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The perfect union
of aromas and flavours.

The perfect union of aromas and flavours.

The finest ingredients, elaborated by expert hands.

From tradition to the contemporary aperitivo.

Amaro Santoni is a liqueur of the highest quality made with 34 herbs. It got its inspiration from one of Gabriello Santoni’s very own most personal recipes, created in 1961. The drink is crafted exclusively from an infusion of totally natural ingredients. A new way of drinking that goes beyond the classic concept of an after-dinner amaro and is appreciated by a vast international clientele. Its flavour is infused with undertones of citrus, of olive leaves and iris and, above all, of rhubarb.

34 Botanicals

Chinese Rhubarb, Iris Flower, Olive Leaf, Rose, Elderflower, Ginseng, Pepper, Cardamom, Nutmeg, Cloves, Mint, Sweet Orange, Bitter Orange, Cumin, Artichoke, Coriander, Lemon Balm, Sage, Angelica root, Rosehip, Linden, Wormwood, Cinchona, Lavender, Hibiscus, Cassia, Galangal, Quassia, Centaury, Gentian, Juniper, Ginger, Laurel and Wild fennel.

Rhubarb, the history within the name.

When talk about rhubarb, we are referring to rheum palmatum or rheum officinalis bail, although some 20 species of rhubarb (rheum) are known today, not to mention the wide variety of equally widespread hybrids.
Rhubarb gets its name from two Greek words: rha (meaning plant) and barbaron, a word indicating that the plant was already popular among foreign tribes know to the Greeks as barbarian.

From Asia to the West.

The true origins of rheum palmatum are entirely Asian. It thrived on the high plains and mountainous regions of Central Asia, the Caucasus, Siberia, Tibet, Mongolia and China, areas where it was already in wide use some 2,700 years before Christ.
The hundreds of centuries of Chinese isolation kept rhubarb all but unknown to the rest of the world until the mid-1200s, when, with Marco Polo’s expeditions, commerce with the Orient began to enjoy a certain continuity.
But it wasn’t until the 1500s when European (including Italian) physician-botanists were able to observe and study rhubarb plants first hand, and soon a wide variety of properties and applications were attributed to it.

From medical use to the aperitivo.

Renaissance doctors and pharmacists used traditional Chinese medical science to discover that rhubarb, and in particular its rhizome, could be beneficial in treating maladies of the digestive tract. Thanks to its digestive properties, for centuries now it has been used to cleanse and stimulate the liver and intestines, and as a decongestant and antiseptic.
Blessed with a very distinct bitter flavour, the ribs and roots of the plant are now mainly used to make sweets and liqueurs.
Because of its bitter-aromatic characteristics, for years it has been enjoyed as an aperitivo, a drink that helps stimulate the appetite and aid digestion.