An homage to Florence
and its treasures.
An homage to Florence and its treasures.
Precious flavour straight from the heart of Tuscany.

Tuscan excellence in a bottle.
Amaro Santoni is the very expression of Tuscany, its region of origin. A region famous the world over for its artistic heritage and the exquisite quality of its many artisanal products, from food to fashion.
Florence is renowned for having elevated fine drinking to a cult. Aside from the wide variety of wines to be found here, it is the birthplace of Count Negroni and the famous cocktail that bears his name.
Amaro Santoni is imbued with the essence of Florence, even in the shape of its bottle. Standing out among the various botanical ingredients are Rhubarb, sold in the spice shops of the historical centre of Florence since the Renaissance, and Iris, the floral symbol of the city proudly featured on its coat of arms. The upper part of the bottle got its shape from the architectural splendour of the dome on the Santa Maria del Fiore Cathedral, designed by Brunelleschi and, since 1436, a constant source of amazement for citizens and visitors alike.
The Guild of Physicians and Pharmacists.
The ancient Guild of Physicians and Pharmacists (the L’Arte dei Medici e degli Speziali) is more than just a tradition in Florence, it is a guild boasting a long history with deep roots that ran through the culture and economy of the city. This corporation, founded in 1266, was part of the city’s seven Major Guilds.
Since the Middle Ages, those that belonged to this guild strove to formulate recipes beneficial to both health and beauty using the properties found in nature’s own products.
A long journey between the orient and the city.
Thanks to busy international trade routes that brought them spices purchased at the ports of Egypt and the Eastern Mediterranean, pharmacists were among the wealthiest merchants of Florence.
Shiploads of precious Florentine textiles sailed eastward, returning home laden with silk, alum, cotton, pigments and, of course, priceless spices.
Knowledge and creativity.
Able pharmacists focused their attention on chemistry which, with their heightened sensitivity and lively creativity, turned these men into inventors of fragrances and elixirs benefitting both health and beauty. Walking into one of these pharmacies meant being enveloped in aromas and surrounded by a wide array of coloured spices carefully organised in bags, drawers and glass jars.
The vast body of knowledge and technique of the historic Florentine Guild of Physicians and Pharmacists remains alive to this day through the creations of modern companies which, through research and innovation, are still engaged in the crafting of fine perfumes, cosmetics and liqueurs.